Sending HTML Emails using KIP and Microsoft Word


KIP Version 12.1 has the ability to send HTML formatted emails. HTML allows you to make very stylized emails, however, there are some considerations.
  • The person to whom you are sending the email may have HTML turned off in their email client.
  • The HTML may display differently than you intended.
This tutorial explains how to send an HTML email using Microsoft Word for Mac 2011. If you are familiar with other software, you may use that instead. Continue reading “Sending HTML Emails using KIP and Microsoft Word”

Who Are My High-End Patients?

You may need to market to your top patients. You could be bringing in a line of expensive eyewear, or have a new cosmetic procedure, that may only apply to patients in a certain price bracket.

So, how do you find these patients to market to them?
You use the Custom Patient Search.
Below, I will describe how to find the patients seen in the last four years who have had a invoice which totalled over $1500. Continue reading “Who Are My High-End Patients?”