Our most recent version of KIP Deluxe 11.5 includes more ways to use email.
Now you can save templates of emails and send them to patients with a click.
You can use email to:
- remind patients of upcoming appointments
- tell patients their orthotics or eyeglasses are in
- you can even send birthday wishes using email
Email Icon on Patient Information Screen |
3 River Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@sms.3rivers.net |
Advantage Communications | xxxxxxxxx@advantagepaging.com |
AirVoice | xxxxxxxxx@mmode.com |
Airtouch Pagers | xxxxxxxxx@airtouch.net |
Airtouch Pagers | xxxxxxxxx@airtouchpaging.com |
Airtouch Pagers | xxxxxxxxx@alphapage.airtouch.com |
Airtouch Pagers | xxxxxxxxx@myairmail.com |
AllTel | xxxxxxxxx@message.alltel.com |
Alltel PCS | xxxxxxxxx@message.alltel.com |
Alltel | xxxxxxxxx@alltelmessage.com |
Ameritech Paging | xxxxxxxxx@pageapi.com |
Arch Pagers (PageNet) | xxxxxxxxx@archwireless.net |
Arch Pagers (PageNet) | xxxxxxxxx@epage.arch.com |
AT&T | xxxxxxxxx@txt.att.net |
Bell South (Blackberry) | xxxxxxxxx@bellsouthtips.com |
Bell South Mobility | xxxxxxxxx@blsdcs.net |
Bell South | xxxxxxxxx@blsdcs.net |
Bell South | xxxxxxxxx@sms.bellsouth.com |
Bell South | xxxxxxxxx@wireless.bellsouth.com |
Bluegrass Cellular | xxxxxxxxx@sms.bluecell.com |
Boost Mobile | xxxxxxxxx@myboostmobile.com |
Boost | xxxxxxxxx@myboostmobile.com |
CallPlus | xxxxxxxxx@mmode.com |
Carolina Mobile Communications | xxxxxxxxx@cmcpaging.com |
Cellular One East Coast | xxxxxxxxx@phone.cellone.net |
Cellular One PCS | xxxxxxxxx@paging.cellone-sf.com |
Cellular One South West | xxxxxxxxx@swmsg.com |
Cellular One West | xxxxxxxxx@mycellone.com |
Cellular One | xxxxxxxxx@message.cellone-sf.com |
Cellular One | xxxxxxxxx@mobile.celloneusa.com |
Cellular One | xxxxxxxxx@sbcemail.com |
Cellular South | xxxxxxxxx@csouth1.com |
Central Vermont Communications | xxxxxxxxx@cvcpaging.com |
CenturyTel | xxxxxxxxx@messaging.centurytel.net |
Cingular (GSM) | xxxxxxxxx@cingularme.com |
Cingular (TDMA) | xxxxxxxxx@mmode.com |
Cingular Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@mobile.mycingular.net |
Cingular | xxxxxxxxx@cingularme.com |
Communication Specialists | xxxxxxx@pageme.comspeco.net |
Cook Paging | xxxxxxxxx@cookmail.com |
Corr Wireless Communications | xxxxxxxxx@corrwireless.net |
Dobson Communications Corporation | xxxxxxxxx@mobile.dobson.net |
Dobson-Alex Wireless / Dobson-Cellular One | xxxxxxxxx@mobile.cellularone.com |
Edge Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@sms.edgewireless.com |
GCS Paging | xxxxxxxxx@webpager.us |
GTE | xxxxxxxxx@gte.pagegate.net |
GTE | xxxxxxxxx@messagealert.com |
Galaxy Corporation | xxxxxxxxx@sendabeep.net |
GrayLink / Porta-Phone | xxxxxxxxx@epage.porta-phone.com |
Houston Cellular | xxxxxxxxx@text.houstoncellular.net |
Inland Cellular Telephone | xxxxxxxxx@inlandlink.com |
JSM Tele-Page | xxxxxxxxx@jsmtel.com |
Lauttamus Communication | xxxxxxxxx@e-page.net |
MCI Phone | xxxxxxxxx@mci.com |
MCI | xxxxxxxxx@pagemci.com |
Metro PCS | xxxxxxxxx@metropcs.sms.us |
Metro PCS | xxxxxxxxx@mymetropcs.com |
MetroPCS | xxxxxxxxx@mymetropcs.com |
Metrocall 2-way | xxxxxxxxx@my2way.com |
Metrocall | xxxxxxxxx@page.metrocall.com |
Midwest Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@clearlydigital.com |
Mobilecom PA | xxxxxxxxx@page.mobilcom.net |
Mobilfone | xxxxxxxxx@page.mobilfone.com |
Morris Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@beepone.net |
NPI Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@npiwireless.com |
Nextel | xxxxxxxxx@messaging.nextel.com |
Nextel | xxxxxxxxx@page.nextel.com |
Ntelos | xxxxxxxxx@pcs.ntelos.com |
Omnipoint | xxxxxxxxx@omnipoint.com |
Omnipoint | xxxxxxxxx@omnipointpcs.com |
OnlineBeep | xxxxxxxxx@onlinebeep.net |
PCS One | xxxxxxxxx@pcsone.net |
Pacific Bell | xxxxxxxxx@pacbellpcs.net |
PageMart | xxxxxxxxx@pagemart.net |
PageOne NorthWest | xxxxxxxxx@page1nw.com |
Pioneer / Enid Cellular | xxxxxxxxx@msg.pioneerenidcellular.com |
Price Communications | xxxxxxxxx@mobilecell1se.com |
ProPage | xxxxxxxxx@page.propage.net |
Public Service Cellular | xxxxxxxxx@sms.pscel.com |
Qualcomm | name@pager.qualcomm.com |
Qwest | xxxxxxxxx@qwestmp.com |
RAM Page | xxxxxxxxx@ram-page.com |
ST Paging | pin@page.stpaging.com |
Safaricom | xxxxxxxxx@safaricomsms.com |
Satelindo GSM | xxxxxxxxx@satelindogsm.com |
Satellink | xxxxxxxxx.pageme@satellink.net |
Simple Freedom | xxxxxxxxx@text.simplefreedom.net |
Skytel Pagers | xxxxxxxxx@email.skytel.com |
Skytel Pagers | xxxxxxxxx@skytel.com |
Smart Telecom | xxxxxxxxx@mysmart.mymobile.ph |
Southern LINC | xxxxxxxxx@page.southernlinc.com |
Southwestern Bell | xxxxxxxxx@email.swbw.com |
Sprint PCS | xxxxxxxxx@messaging.sprintpcs.com |
Sprint | xxxxxxxxx@sprintpaging.com |
SunCom | xxxxxxxxx@tms.suncom.com |
Surewest Communications | xxxxxxxxx@mobile.surewest.com |
T-Mobile | xxxxxxxxx@tmomail.net |
TIM | xxxxxxxxx@timnet.com |
TSR Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@alphame.com |
TSR Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@beep.com |
Teletouch | xxxxxxxxx@pageme.teletouch.com |
Telus | xxxxxxxxx@msg.telus.com |
The Indiana Paging Co | xxxx@pager.tdspager.com |
Triton | xxxxxxxxx@tms.suncom.com |
US Cellular | xxxxxxxxx@email.uscc.net |
USA Mobility | xxxxxxxxx@mobilecomm.net |
Unicel | xxxxxxxxx@utext.com |
Verizon PCS | xxxxxxxxx@myvzw.com |
Verizon Pagers | xxxxxxxxx@myairmail.com |
Verizon | xxxxxxxxx@vtext.com |
Virgin Mobile | xxxxxxxxx@vmobl.com |
Virgin Mobile | xxxxxxxxx@vxtras.com |
WebLink Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@pagemart.net |
West Central Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@sms.wcc.net |
Western Wireless | xxxxxxxxx@cellularonewest.com |
Wyndtell | xxxxxxxxx@wyndtell.com |