Long time users of KIP Deluxe may not even realize there are shortcuts that make using KIP easier.
You may know many of the keyboard shortcuts which appear to the right of every menu item. However, here are some hidden KIP shortcuts that you may not know.
Please note: All of the following shortcuts are available in KIP Deluxe version 11.2. Many of the following shortcuts may work in earlier versions of KIP.
Appointment Book
Rescheduling an appointment – Shift-Click on the old appointment and then Shift-Click on any available new appointment time. This can be done across multiple doctors, locations, and days.
Duplicating an appointment – Control-Click on the old appointment and then Control-Click on any available new appointment time. Control-Click again on another new appointment time and the appointment is duplicated again.
(This makes it easy to block out extra time for a procedure in an instant).
Editing Invoices
Sometimes when you are about to send a batch of claims, you realize that one claim might need a quick correction. If you are selecting the claims from a list, right-click on any claim to edit the claim. (version 11.2.04)
If you click the Finance tab while viewing a patient, clicking once on any invoice in the Open Invoices area will open the claim to view the detail of the claim and to edit it.
Opening Patient Information
If you have the Tickler File (Open Invoices) window open, a double-click on any line will open the Patient Information for that invoice.
Skipping Requests when the Program Opens
If you hold down the Command key while the program first starts up, the requests to print new patient letters and op reports will be skipped.
(You may not want your staff to be aware of this option, since they may not remember to print the letters later).
If you never want to be reminded of these tasks, turn them off in the Letters and Word Processing Preferences.
Avoid Clicking the Save Button
If you have a keyboard with a numeric keypad, the ENTER key on the numeric keypad will be the same as clicking the SAVE button in whatever window you have open.
Adding New Lines on an Invoice
You can make a new line on an invoice by clicking Control-Tab (as long as the Line Items are the active area on the invoice).