Learn tons about your practice in an instant with the Line Item Report
The Line Item Report gives you each code (CPT Codes and/or Inventory Codes) billed during a specific date range.
You can choose any date range you prefer – Last Week, Last Month, Last Year.
You can also limit the report to a specific range of codes, provider, insurance, or location.
If you select PRINT ALL LINE ITEMS, you will have the name of every patient with that code.
If you select PRINT SUMMARY ONLY, you will get all the totals.
Some examples:
For example, you might ask – how many x-rays did I perform last month?
You would enter your preferred date range and make your starting code 7 (since all radiology cpt codes begin with 7) and make your ending code 8.
If you want a every code beginning with BON you would enter:
start code: bon
end code: boo
Think of it as in alphabetical order.
If you wanted to look up all the words in the dictionary beginning with “bon”, you would start at “bon” and end when you get to “boo”.
Here is another example with numbers:
Let’s say you want a line item report with all codes beginning with 9
start code: 9
end code: 99999
* * * * * * * *
Important note:
The codes are alphabetical and not numerical. So if you entered:
start code: 9
end code: 10
You wouldn’t get any results, since all numbers beginning with 1 are before all numbers beginning with 9.